In October of last year, the ANA, concerned about issues of size, density and height of the proposed Sayan 2, requested that PRODEUR investigate the project and take whatever legal actions it deemed appropriate.

After reviewing documents from Puerto Vallarta’s Planning Department, PRODEUR filed a lawsuit in Jalisco State Administrative Court challenging the license and asking that it be annulled, and Sayan 2 be demolished.

Sayan 2 received its construction license from City Planning the day before the District 9 Plan Parcial was voted into law by the Puerto Vallarta City Council, so PRODEUR’s lawsuit involves the zoning rules of the Jalisco Urban Code, not the Amapas Plan Parcial.

The ANA has been named as a ‘third party helper’ in the suit, and we’ll be monitoring its progress.

Thanks to the generous contributions of our members, we now have an experienced and well-respected lawyer advising us and helping to move things along.  We’ll be reporting on progress in any of the three lawsuits as it happens.