Amapas Landslide Tour An E-Ticket!

One of the first benefits of the new Amapas Junta Vecinal was a recent (and long-awaited) ‘tour’ by City officials of the rock- and mudslides that have accumulated on Gardenias, Hortensias, and Callejon de la Igualdad, creating traffic problems and occasional two-lane ‘lakes’.

On May 28, ANA member and Las Moradas resident Michael Baietti took  PV Citizen Participation Director Hector Gallegos, his assistant Aby Hernandez, and an Obras Publicas engineer on a walking-tour of upper Gardenias, pointing out mounds of storm-deposited rocks, debris-choked gutters, culverts and drainage canals that have caused recent summer street-flooding on Gardenias and erosion problems for downslope areas of Hortensias.  They were joined by Sharon Dunn, Selva Mar president, who expressed her building’s appreciation for the City’s visit.

The following week, Michael conducted a second tour for Proteccion Civil, whose approval is necessary for Obras Publicas to begin clearing the slides and debris, and three representatives from the Planning Department.

As a result, quick approvals are expected for the immediate clearing of the slides, just ahead of the summer rains.  This should seriously reduce flooding and erosion problems on Gardenias and in the Hortensias area.  Approval is also expected for some new retaining walls, curbs, and storm water containment work – which will likely be a City & ANA-funded joint project, and begin in the Fall.

The ANA and the Amapas Junta Vecinal will work to make this storm drain clean-up a regular annual event.

Also involved in the Landslide Tours were ANA ‘Streets’ Consultant Ruben Carrillo, ANA President Tom Swale, and ANA Administrator Jae Palsce.